Monday, March 9, 2009

Sticking to it

I often wonder why people choose what they choose for making money. I hope they chose it because they love it, like I did with teaching. My just is a great part of my day, because I love what I do. I love giving kids the knowledge and love they need to thrive. On the other hand, some poor people do not seem to like their jobs, even I do not like their jods.

I do not like the desperation I feel from salespeople when I walk into stores, but I understand it. I could not do well as a salesperson. I am not sure that I could be convincing. I think my stomach would be tied up in knots, trying to convince people to make a purchase so that I can buy shelter and food. That is a lot of stress. However, I am trying to publish and sell books, and CD's.

I feel a lot of pressure doing this, selling my creativity, even though I have a career in teaching. Even though I will not fall completely apart if I never get published, or sell a CD. My ego is wrapped up in these pursuits, and I definitely fantasize about getting a windfall from my works. I feel that in some ways, it is easier for me to stick to it, because it does not have to happen in order for my basic needs to be met.

I noticed that an older fellow had opened up a barbecue stand down the street. How did he get the nerve to give that a try? Was that his passion? I patronized his business once, and did not like the food. I did not go back. It looks like he is back out of business after about a month. Would his business have grown to thrive if he had stuck to it? Was my lack of patronage like a cosmic tipping point? Was the food really nothing special? I do not have any idea why he stopped selling barbecue; maybe people do not eat enough of it to keep him in business.

I hope that by sticking into it, I can find a publisher who shares my vision. Then maybe I can stick it out long enough to effectively market my books. I am inspired by the people who stuck to it, and ultimately found a patronizing audience. Those who met failure, and yet tried again inspire me. I hope that it happens for me before I die, unlike the way it worked for some people. However, even if it happened after I died, that would be cool, for somebody. It would be nice for me, if I could know that I would be a hit after I died.


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